
SV Medical Center

What a new mother should know?

First of all congratulations to all the women who are promoted as mothers for the first time!!.
There is a famous saying as you all know which says…
“A Baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arm for three years,and in your heart for the rest of your life”
Yes! You are now onboard in a fascinating new journey called” motherhood”.
This journey is going to be amazing, at the same time new mothers can have a lot of confusions which might lead to unnecessary worry.
This article is aimed at busting the usual myths associated with pregnancy and to guide new mothers in their awesome journey.


There is no need to see the doctor in first three months of pregnancy.


It is always better to have an early check up with your obstetrician at around 7- 8 weeks to ensure that the baby is growing in the uterus(not elsewhere, which could be a problem), has got its cardiac activity, and for dating your pregnancy especially in women with irregular periods
It is especially important for women with previous early miscarriages to consult her obstetrician as early as possible to rule out common causes of miscarriages such as thyroid disorders, pregestational diabetes mellitus, cervical insufficiency etc..and start treatment at the earliest.
In fact those with previous miscarriages do need to consult their obstetrician even before conception to have a thorough medical checkup and for preconceptional counselling.


EAT FOR TWO-Pregnant woman need to eat in excess inorder for the baby to be healthy


Excess eating, and eating fast and junk food is not good for the growing fetus.
A pregnant woman needs only 340 exta calories in the second trimester and 450 extra calories in the third trimester. She doesn’t need any extra calories in the first trimester,
Eating a balanced diet throughout pregnancy is very important to have a healthy pregnancy


Iron and calcium supplements are not necessary as the make the fetus bigger


Iron supplement is very essential for a pregnant woman , since there will be physiological dilution of blood in pregnancy which leads to anemia in a normal pregnant woman who was not anemic before.
Iron is used by your body to make a substance in the blood cells that carries oxygen to your organs and tissues.During pregnancy you need more iron than you did before pregnancy, to supply oxygen to the growing fetus.
Iron supplement does not increase the babys weight but rather helps in the proper development of the baby
Calcium is used to build your babys bones and teeth.So you need atleast 1000mg of calcium per day to meet the requirements.